Terms and conditions

Subscription Terms and Conditions – v1.0 (August 2024) (Website)

About this Agreement


This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions that apply to your donation subscription (subscription fees) with One Hand One Heart Charity (OHOH).

The following terms also apply to your Subscription:

  • The terms of use for any websites or mobile apps covered by your Subscription;
  • Our Privacy Policy.

1.2 This Agreement is Binding

You warrant that you are of legal age, and are authorised to enter into this agreement and be bound by it. If you are entering into this agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you warrant that:

  • You have full legal authority to bind that legal entity; and
  • Both you and the relevant legal entity will be bound by the terms set out under this agreement.

1.3 Duration

This agreement commences on the subscription Activation Date and continues until:

  • You terminate this Agreement under clause 4; or
  • OHOH terminates this Agreement under clause 11.

1.4 Termination/Cancellation by Subscriber

You can terminate this Agreement at any time by:

  • Contacting OHOH via email: info@ohohcharity.com.au. Please note, cancellation will take between 2-7 business days;
  • Once you have successfully unsubscribed, you will receive an email confirmation to the email address registered under the Subscription.

Your subscription will remain active until you opt out from the subscription voluntarily.

2. Managing your Subscription

2.1 Automatic Renewal of Subscribed Donation Products

If you pay OHOH the applicable donation amount, the subscribed donation or project will be assigned accordingly during the Subscription Term as set out in this agreement. Your Subscription for the Subscribed Donation Product (donation) will be automatically renewed every Subscription Period according to the Subscription Period nominated by you at the commencement of your subscription (except as set out in clauses 1.4, 11, and 12).

2.2 Subscribing to Other Donation Products

During the Term, you can subscribe to other Donation Products by:

  • Adding the Donation Product to your Subscription via the OHOH website or by contacting OHOH via email and confirming in writing that you wish to subscribe to an additional Donation Product of your choice; and
  • Paying OHOH the fees for that Donation Product.

The Donation Product will become a Subscribed Product from the date OHOH confirms in writing the acceptance of your Subscription for that Donation Product.

2.3 Un-subscribing from a Subscribed Product

You can unsubscribe from any Subscribed Donation Product at any time through the steps outlined in clause 1.4 above.

3. Website Access and Email Alerts

3.1 Application of this Clause

This clause applies to:

  • Email alerts that form part of any Subscribed Donation; and
  • Access to secure areas of the website.

3.2 Email Alerts

You will receive emails alerts relating to your Subscription, including receipts and project updates, as well as promotional information unless you have requested otherwise.

Your email alerts will be emailed to the email addresses that you provide us while completing your subscription. To change the email addresses for receiving email alerts, please contact info@ohohcharity.com.au.

3.3 Access to Websites

We will provide you secure access to the OHOH Website where you will be able to register your details and subscribe to donation products of your choice. If we provide you with any credentials or you register a username and password:

  • You must keep them confidential and not disclose them to any person.
  • You are responsible for all acts and omissions in connection with the Websites, the Subscribed Products, and this agreement that are carried out using your credentials as if they were your acts and omissions.

3.4 No Guaranteed Access

By its nature, the internet is not uninterrupted or error-free, and so there may be times when the Websites are unavailable or do not work properly due to technical difficulties, or when our email alerts are delayed. We cannot guarantee that:

  • The relevant Websites will be available or working correctly at all times; or
  • Email alerts will always be sent out on time.

We suggest you install and implement your own system protection software to protect your systems.

3.5 Our Right to Change Subscribed Products

We reserve the right to modify the Donation Product and the availability of any Subscribed Products at any time. In the event your Subscription changes, you will be given 14 days’ notice prior to when you would need to make a decision either to cancel or continue with the updated Donation Subscription.